Emergency No.011 4225 5225
  • How will home modification help me?
    09 May 2016
    Home modification will help you in a number of ways. Enter and exit your home easily and whenever you like Follow the routine of going to the bathroom as you may have been in the spinal unit Do cooking in the kitchen if you wish to. Be more independent on the whole in your activities of daily living. Most importantly it will give you control your own life. ...
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    By isic
  • What are the various factors to. be considered while suggesting home modification?
    09 May 2016
    The points to be considered are:
    • The accessibility of different rooms and facilities in the home.
    • The mobility permitted by size, furnishing and arrangement of rooms.
    • safety in the house.
    • The need for modification or assistance to ensure safe to the entrance of the house from outside is evaluated as in case for emergency. With that Source, cost end desc ...
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    By isic
  • What are the different points you should consider before making any changes?
    09 May 2016
    The main points to be considered before thinking of modification are.
    • Whether you live in a ground floor house.
    • Whether you or your family owns it.
    • Whether the house is rented and if so is it possible to make changes in the house?

    Ideal Ramp

    • Ramp installed should be 1" of rise to every 12" of length.
    • Maximum width shoul ...
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    By isic
  • What are the possible changes I can make in my BEDROOM ?
    09 May 2016
    • All electrical switches should be at a height that you can reach (3 feet from the ground). The light switch, fan regulator could be next to your bedside so that yon need not get out of bed to switch it off
    • The height of the bed should be same as your wheelchair for easy transfer and at least one side of bed should be wheelchair.
    • One clear area (best in front of clo ...
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    By isic
  • What I could do with my Bathroom to make it accessible and safe?
    09 May 2016
    • A minimum of 5 sq. feet space is required for wheelchair maneuvering Bathroom controls including taps, flush etc. should not be higher than 3 feet.
    • All electrical fittings should be at the height you can reach (3 feet from the ground)
    • Horizontal grab bars of 1.5 inches diameter and capable of bearing most of your weight should be installed at a height of approximat ...
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    By isic
  • What points are to be considered while making changes in Toilet?
    09 May 2016
    • A western type commode wilt be ideal for you. Alternatively you could build a wooden stool with a hole that could be placed over the Indian commode
    • Fixture or seat should be raised to wheelchair height.
    • Place a horizontal grab bar adjacent to the toilet at a height of about 2.9 feet from the ground
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    By isic
  • How can my kitchen be made wheelchair friendly?
    09 May 2016
    • Counter area should be continuous. Cooking and eating surfaces could be combined
    • A movable worktable may be made in place of lowering the existent cabinet place
    • Work counter installed (minimum 3' wide x maximum height of 2'-10") Leg clearance minimum of 2'-3".
    • Tile, Pyrex or marble slabs to be installed for working with hot things and for sliding
    • ...
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    By isic
  • What are the other points to be considered while making a layout for modification?
    09 May 2016
    • Carpeting should be low pile, close knit.
    • Mirrors should be 48" from floor
    • Light switches should be 42" from floor.
    • Hallways should be at least 36" and ideally should be 42".
    • Parking place should have at least 5' wide clear area on one side of the car space.
    No Comments
    By isic

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