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Importance of being Independent in Daily Life
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  • Importance of being Independent in Daily Life
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    Importance of Assistive Technology (AT) concerning people with spinal cord injuries and other disabilities
    People with spinal cord injuries and other impairments too can live a quality life. Independent living has assisted in overcoming the barriers to a higher quality of life for disabled people who do not want to rely on others.

    Any person suffering from any injury has the right to live an independent and fulfilling life. The patient may encounter many restrictions due to his/her medical condition.

    Technology has an important role to play in human’s everyday life. It makes the task easier for normal persons but for the people with disabilities it makes possible. Tailor made Assistive Technologies provide opportunities to people with disabilities to lead a quality life in their environment.

    What is Assistive Technology?

    Assistive Technology is any device, piece of equipment, software, or other tool that is used by individuals with disabilities to perform activities that might otherwise be difficult or impossible because of their disability. AT provides an interface between the person and environment, enabling individuals to improve their functional abilities and become more independent, increase their potential to go to school, gain employment, and participates with family and community; and to generally exercise human rights.

    AT is not just a product it is an approach which plays even more significant role in the life of someone with a severe disability. Assistive Devices designed to increase an individual’s level of function and independence can be instrumental in providing a person with disability the highest possible level of function.
    How should I match my needs with AT?
    Depending on your needs, our healthcare professional would advise you on the best assistive technology. If you believe that your injury prevents you from leading a free life, you should speak with our Assistive Technology Specialist right away to determine the best form of assistive technology for you to make your completely independent in your activities of daily living.

    Establishment of Dept. of Assistive Technology at Indian Spinal Injuries Centre:
    Department of Assistive Technology at Indian Spinal Injuries Centre was established in collaboration with the University of Pittsburgh, USA in 2006 with the aim to transfer the advance technology and service provision to India. The AT team is committed to provide specific comprehensive Assistive Technology services based on the requirements and goals to lead a good quality of life.

    What are the AT services available at ISIC?

    . Wheelchair and other Mobility & Walking devices: Assessment and evaluation for appropriate assistive devices: Power/Manual wheelchairs, walking aids (crutches, walker, sticks etc) based on patient’s physical conditions and suitable to their environment.
    . Appropriate Seating Cushions: Providing better seating and positioning system for improving postural stability and alignment to increase comfort and sitting tolerance and decrease fatigue using proper custom designed cushions after Pressure Mapping Assessment.
    . Fitting and Customization: Real-time device customization and fabrication for wheelchair and its various accessories.
    . Computer Accessibility & ADL devices: Computer adaptations and enabling accessibility features: Adaptive hardware and software based on patient’s skills level such as adaptable keyboards, displays, and voice recognition systems for people with motor, cognitive, visual, and communication issues.
    . Home/Workplace/Vehicle Modification: Assessment and suggestions for home/workplace modification and personal transportation for those who have barriers in their house, transportation and personal vehicle.
    . Activities of Daily Livings (ADLs): Persons with limited hand functions require assistance to perform their activities of daily living such as feeding, brushing, typing, writing, bathing, drinking, and operating mobile phone or computer/laptop, operating Television, Radio etc. To address these issues our AT team provides number of upper extremity assistive devices with full of customization to achieve maximum independence in ADLs.
    . Environmental control units for the home, workplace, or study.
    . Wheelchair Skills Training: Basic and advance wheelchair skills training is an essential part of wheelchair delivery to maximize independence of user and caregivers in various living/working environments.

    07 Jun 2023
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