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Patient's Rights & Responsibilities
Emergency No.011 4225 5225

Patient’s Rights & Responsibilities


While you are a patient in our hospital, help us to serve you better by doing following:

  • Receive necessary care regardless of your race, gender, language, origin or source of payment.
  • Respect for your cultural, psychological, spiritual and personal values, dignity, beliefs and preferences.
  • Receive care & treatment in a safe & secure environment, free from physical, sexual or verbal abuse & neglect.
  • Privacy during care, examination, treatments and conversations with your physician and other healthcare providers.
  • To be addressed by proper name and informed about the name of the doctors, nurses and the other healthcare team members involved in the care.
  • Complete information to understand your diagnosis, condition, risk of each treatment, its outcomes and necessary care to be taken after discharge from Hospital.
  • To be involved in the decisions that affects your care, services or treatment.
  • To clarify all your doubts before signing the consent forms such as general consent form and consent form for surgery / anesthesia / high risk procedures.
  • To be informed about pain and pain relief measures which enable you to participate in your pain management plan.
  • To be able to change of a doctor or a second opinion if you wish for.
  • To refuse treatment except when such participation is contradicted for medical reasons.
  • To be educated about the medications, diet, prevention and other aspects of the disease process.
  • To be informed about transfer to another facility or organization & provided complete explanation, including alternatives to a transfer.
  • To be involved in the discharge plan.
  • To say “Yes” or “No” to experimental treatments and to be advised when a physician is considering you to be part of a medical research program.
  • To express your concerns, complaints and or grievance to any of our hospital staff.
  • Medical records and other information provided by you would be completely treated confidential. Exception for this would be second opinion, law or insurance and you have complete access to your medical records if you wish for it.
  • Know the expected cost regarding your treatment and have your bill explained and receive information about charges that you may be responsible for and have access to the rate list.


For your safety please adhere to the following

  • We request you to provide accurate information about your habits, health, past illness, hospitalization, allergies and current & past use of medication.
  • Ask for clarification about your illness from your healthcare provider that “you do not understand”.
  • Read all medical forms and consents thoroughly and ask for explanation if you do not understand before you sign.
  • Follow the treatment plan recommended by your doctor and realize that you must accept consequences if you refuse.
  • Inform us of changes in your condition and symptoms including pain.
  • Actively participate in your pain management plan and keep your doctors and nurses informed of the effectiveness of your treatment.
  • Accept financial responsibilities and settle your bills promptly.
  • Please follow our policies regarding smoking, noise, visiting time, number of visitors and other rules and regulations.
  • Be considerate and cooperative.
  • Take care of your belongings.
  • Keep your scheduled appointments, or let us know if you are unable to make them.
  • Be respectful of the property and privacy of others and of the hospital.
  • Not to bring any weapons, alcohol or unauthorized drugs in to the hospital.
  • Report any issues, complaints or concerns that may affect your care. We also request you to candidly complete the Patient Feedback Form before you leave the hospital, for helping us constantly improve our services.

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