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  • Joint Pain in Winter Season
    11 Jan 2023
    Joint pain in winter season is one of the most common problems faced by many people.  Weather changes, especially the dropping temperatures of winter, are frequently linked to stiffness, aches, and pains. In the cold, muscles generally stiffen up more. This strain may result in decreased joint mobility and flexibility. Injuries or underlying medical conditions can also cause joint discomfort. How ...
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    By isic
  • General Winter Problems
    11 Jan 2023
    Winter has arrived; although some find it lovely, others find it troublesome. Along with the seasonal joys, winter also brings with it several common issues, most of which are medical in nature. Flu, cold sores, dry skin, asthma, joint pain, etc. are the most common. People experience health issues throughout the winter because of the climatic change. This article discusses the main health prob ...
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    By isic

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