Emergency No.011 4225 5225
  • What is intermittent Catheterisation?
    09 May 2016
    Intermittent catheterisation means inserting a narrow tube (catheter) along the usual passage (urethra) into the bladder. The urine flows out through the tube into the lavatory or a container until the bladder is completely empty and the tube is then removed. This procedure is called catheterisation and is done several times in a day ...
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    By isic
  • What are the advantages of CIC?
    09 May 2016
    The advantages of CIC is as follows
    • You will have better control of your bladder ? and your life
    • You will have a healthier bladder and healthier kidneys
    • You possibly will not need any other appliances such as pads, catheters and urine bags, sheaths etc.
    • The risk of urinary infections will be reduced.
    • Normal sexual relations.
    • Less a ...
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    By isic
  • How often will I need to catheterize?
    09 May 2016
    • You can catheterise 4-6 times in a day.
    • Regulate the amount of fluids that you drink to the timing of cathaterisation. Measure the quantities drunk and obtained on catheteisation. (< 500 cc)
    • Between catheterisations drink no more than your bladder will hold.
    • Prevent the bladder from filling above 300-350 ml. (pressure < 40 cc) between each catheter ...
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    By isic
  • Isn’t CIC traumatic as it’s done every 4-6 hourly?
    09 May 2016
    CIC is a safe gentle technique that is being used by thousands of people all over the world. However, if NOT used properly, using a larger size catheter, use of excessive force, stiffer catheters, inadequate lubrication can cause trauma to the urethra. Therefore you should learn it properly under supervision of your doctor or nurse before self practicing at home. ...
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    By isic
  • How do l clean my catheter for reuse?
    09 May 2016
    • Always bathe, shower, or wash each day.
    • Always wash your genitals immediately before CIC, i.e. after adjusting clothes, and after dealing with your catheter.
    • Wash the area around the catheter from front to back as this prevents spread of bacteria from the anal area thus reducing the risk of infection
    • Always expel all the urine from the bladder;
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      By isic
    • How do I store my catheter for reuse?
      09 May 2016
      Dry your catheter and stored it in a clean cotton cloth bag or a wooden container. Take care the either of these should be cleaned once a day. You could change you cloth bag daily. ...
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      By isic
    • Isn’t CIC more likely to introduce infection?
      09 May 2016
      There is no method of bladder drainage that is absolutely free of infection. CIC however if done properly is quite safe as has been the experience of users over nearly last 30 years. ...
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      By isic
    • Steps for Self CIC: for men
      09 May 2016
      • Collect the equipment needed: Catheter, clean cottons swab clean tissue or gauge pieces, dish for urine collection, lubricant, clean water and soap to wash hands, waterproofing and towel.
      • Get into the position you find comfortable. sitting on the toilet, wheelchair or bed.
      • Get the clothing out of the way. Spread the waterproof protection.
      • Wash hands and ...
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      By isic
    • Steps for Self CIC: for women
      09 May 2016
      • Collect the equipment needed: Catheter, clean cottons swab clean tissue or gauge pieces, dish for urine collection, lubricant, mirror if required, clean water and soap to wash hands, mackintosh and towel.
      • Get into the position you find comfortable: sitting on the toilet, wheelchair or reclining on bed. (lie on back or sit with legs apart and knees bent.)
      • Get the cl ...
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      By isic

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