Emergency No.011 4225 5225
  • What are they?
    09 May 2016
    Pressure sores or bed sores are sores that form over bony parts of the body when a person lies or sits on that particular part of the body for too long without moving Where the skin is pressed against the bed or chair, the pressure causes a decrease in the blood flow. If too much time passes without moving or rolling over, the skin and flesh in that area can be injured or die. First a red or da ...
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    By isic
  • How long is too long?
    09 May 2016
    • More than 2 hours when you are lying down with turning
    • More than 10 minutes when you are sitting, without doing a push-up
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    By isic
  • Why are persons with SCI prone to develop pressure sores?
    09 May 2016
    When a normal, healthy person lies or sits in one position for a long time he begins to feel uncomfortable, which makes him/her move or roll over to let another part of his body bear his weight. A person with a spinal injury :
    • fails to respond to warnings of pain or discomfort due to loss of sensation and
    • secondly is unable to move or roll over to relieve ...
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    By isic
  • How common are Pressure Sores?
    09 May 2016
    Pressure sores are very common in persons who are bed ridden and those who have lost sensation in parts of their body such as persons with spinal cord injuries or aged persons.
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    By isic
  • Where are pressure sores most likely to form?
    09 May 2016
    pressure-soresParts of the body where skin and subcutaneous tissues that overlie bony prominence are likely sites for pressure sore formation. The parts where they form most often are shown in the picture. The points colored are the points ...
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    By isic
  • What causes pressure Sores?
    09 May 2016
    The most important factor is unrelieved Pressure. The other critical factors are:
    • decreased mobility
    • decreased sensations
    • friction/ shearing during transfers or turning
    • moisture, e.g., sweat, urine soaked clothes
    • poor nutrition can cause thus, there is loss of padding over the bony prominence
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    By isic
  • Can Pressure sore be prevented ?
    09 May 2016
    YES. Pressure sores can be prevented completely provided you turn w bed every 2 hours day and night and change position every 10 minutes when sitting. A PRESSURE SORE TAKES ONLY HOURS TO DEVELOP BUT IT TAKES MONTHS OR AT TIMES YEARS TO HEAL. AS FAR AS POSSIBLE, YOU SHOULD TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR SKIN CARE YOURSELF. ...
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    By isic
  • How to protect your skin & prevent pressure sores?
    09 May 2016
    • Avoid staying in the same position for very long. When lying down, turn from side to side and front to back every 2 hours. When sitting lift body up arid change position every 10?15 minutes.
    • Do not rub or scrape skin across bed or wheelchair when transferring or changing position.
    • Use soft, clean, dry bed sheets. Keep all clothing & bed line ...
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    By isic
  • Mattress/Padding/Cushions
    09 May 2016
    To prevent pressure sores it is essential that you lie & sit on a soft surface, that reduces pressure on bony areas mattressIt is best to lie an a flat surface with a thick spongy mattress. A thick foam rubber mattress often works well. Ho ...
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    By isic
  • If the skin has already broken down
    09 May 2016
    • Keep pressure off the affected area completely.
    • Keep the area clean, you can wash it with boiled water (do not use strong antiseptics)
    • Eat well. If lot of liquid comes out of the sore, a lot of protein is lost with it This must be replaced to promote healing. Eat food rich in proteins, i.e., milk, curd, pulses, eggs, meat, fish, beans, etc. Also ...
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    By isic

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