Emergency No.011 4225 5225
  • Mr. Lalit Bhatnagar Wing Commander (Retd.)
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    I was admitted as a patient in the CCU from 28-12-2023 to 04-01-2024. The reason I decided to report to the Emergency was a clockwise shifting pain from lower back to the left shoulder to the left chest area. I was subjected to the required investigation process to determine my health status.
    My first encounter in the ward was with the nursing staff who went about their business in a professional and courteous manner.
    I remember having been checked by Dr. Aseem Dhall and other doctors on duty.
    Gradually, I realized that I was in safe hands. More than my own judgment, I was informed by my wife that Dr. Dhall was kind enough to brief her on my condition and the line of treatment.  That was very reassuring that as Director and Head Cardiology Department, he had the patience and time to interact with family members of the patients.  My wife appeared to be totally at ease with the way I was being looked after.  With more doctors like Dr. Dhall at ISIC, India is sure to attract patients from all over the world, another step toward self-reliant India.
    Doctors anywhere are expected to take care of patients.  What distinguishes one is the human touch, a caring attitude and a professional conduct in a compassionate manner to send the message that as a patient one’s being treated as a human being and not as a number or a casefile.
    When I met Dr. Dhall again on 11-01-2024, I found him to be smiling who made me feel comfortable as if I had already recovered fully.
    14 Feb 2024
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